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Futures Evening offers Sixth Formers an insight into a variety of careers

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Futures Evening offers Sixth Formers an insight into a variety of careers
Futures & Higher Education

The Lower Sixth recently enjoyed a Futures Evening, where eight guests were invited into Shrewsbury School to talk about their careers to date.

The experiences of the visitors (a super mix of former pupils and current parents) was vast, including marketing managers, architects, radio broadcasters, accountants, pharmaceutical engineers and more.

With seven talks to choose from, the Lower Sixth students were able to select the hosted discussion that was of most interest to them.

Since the event, the feedback has been excellent, with the following a small sample of the comments the Futures Department has received about the evening:

“The speaker was informative and open about their profession so I got a good insight to their experiences at work. They clearly indicated the qualities they were looking for when hiring potential colleagues, which was really helpful.”

“I found the talk very engaging and interesting and the speaker gave helpful advice when we asked questions about their industry.”

“I feel inspired and appreciated by the talk as I have got a better insight into this career journey. This makes me motivated and confident about what I am working on in school and also for my future aspirations.”

“The speaker explained things very well and I really enjoyed listening to them. They also sounded like they really enjoyed their job, and I want my work to be like that. No dreadful Monday mornings!”

Many thanks to our brilliant speakers for inspiring our students. The Futures Department runs events throughout the year and if you are interested in getting involved, we would be delighted to hear from you. As mentioned in previous newsletters, all parents are warmly invited to sign up for our networking platform Salopian Connect and on this site you can detail any support you are willing to provide. All of it is welcomed!

Best wishes for the festive season.

Chris Wain

Head of Futures 

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Futures Evening offers Sixth Formers an insight into a variety of careers