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Volunteer group is 'highlight of the week' for school visitors

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Volunteer group is 'highlight of the week' for school visitors
Partnership Community Engagement (PCE) Charity

The Volunteers’ Homework Club is enjoying a new range of activities now that the weather has allowed the group to get out and about. 

The Homework Club welcomes refugee children to school so that our pupils can assist with their studies. 

Usually, this takes place within the classroom. However, our Homework Club has been enjoying the opportunity to get outside and make use of more of the schools’ facilities.  

Homework Club volunteer, Cam C (O, LVI) said: “The homework club is a Thursday activity lead by Mrs Pritchard which has helped kids to grow in confidence, whether with English speaking or with teamwork skills on the football pitch.  

“We used to sit in the main school building and help the mothers learn English so they can further progress and gain exams and confidence, whilst the younger children were helped with their homework or played games.  

“With the summer arriving we have been able to go outdoors, with the girls learning origami skills and drawing, and the boys learning leadership, teamwork and skills on the football pitch kindly coached by Mr Clark. These activities have been great because the younger boys have asked all year if we can play football and now they can play on our new astro pitch each week and it brings a smile to everyone’s faces.” 

Mrs Pritchard, Head of Charities and Volunteering, added: “Our student volunteers have been fabulous at adjusting their skills away from the classroom and onto the football pitch and creative arts arena.   

“Now the summer months are here we can further use our school facilities in response to the growing requests to play football and help to develop our guests’ skills.  Some of the younger students preferred to develop their artistic talents and this has allowed some of our volunteers to share their origami skills whilst demonstrating continuous kindness and patience. 

“This really is partnership work at its best as staff, students and guests are united by sport and art.  I am informed that for some of our visitors an hour on our astro turf is the highlight of their week.  A big thank you to all involved for continuous community engagement.” 

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Volunteer group is 'highlight of the week' for school visitors