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Rowers gain valuable time in the water at Lake Vyrnwy

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Rowers gain valuable time in the water at Lake Vyrnwy
Rowing Sport

Over Half Term the Senior Rowers took part in four training days to get some valuable water time in the lead up to a busy second half of term.

The deluge of rain on the Thursday preceding half term saw the river revel rise significantly and the need for a quick change of plan. Fortunately, the wind forecast meant that Lake Vyrnwy in Wales would be rowable. The boats and launches were loaded and ready for the short journey across the border.

It was great to see all the crews make tremendous progress over after a particularly disrupted few months with flooding and illness. The conditions on Saturday provided for some great photos on the mirror flat lake. On Monday the crews stayed in Shrewsbury to focus on land training and get small boat work done Bomere Pool.

The crews will now be hoping to show the progress they have made when they race at the Head of the Trent on the 26th February.

Athol Hundermark

Director of Rowing

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Rowers gain valuable time in the water at Lake Vyrnwy